
Since 2009 our company has implemented and maintained the integrated management system in terms of European standards through which we have built up the system of quality management according to ISO 9001, the system of environmental management according to ISO 14001, and the system of safety management and protection of health at work according to OHSAS 18001.
  • On the ground of increased safety at work Konti a.s. decided in 2016 to implement the SCC system – certificated safety of suppliers.
  • ontinual improving of the effectiveness of the implemented integrated quality management system, environment, OSH, SCC, and securing of resource sufficiency
  • Observing the valid legal regulations and other regulations and requirements related to environment, occupational safety and health
  • Implementing of preventive measures to prevent pollution of the environment and its damage
  • Implementing of measures focused on injuries prevention, occupational diseases and health damages resulting from work activities
  • Increasing of awareness of company’s employees with the aim to create a company effectively managing resources and maintaining principles of environment and OSH
  • Saving of material and energy and preferring an environmental and safety aspect in all aspects of provided services
  • Communication towards the suppliers, customers, and interested parties
  • Activities heading towards the improving of protection of environment and towards the increasing of degree of safety and health protection at work
  • Carrying out company’s activities with the most environmentally friendly way towards all parts of the environment and this also with regard to minimizing the production of waste and maximization of its recycling
  • Professionalism of our employees with the main aim focused on the fulfilment of customer’s requirements
  • Continual increasing of the awareness of our employees and external co-workers of the main goals of our company which result in a higher effectiveness of the work activities in the time and in the increased awareness of integrated management system
  • Providing such activities which will result in a satisfaction among the company, its employees, co- workers, and customers and which head toward a development of the company
  • Observing the points mentioned above and meeting quality, environmental, OSH, and SCC targets